Burger Van Man

Burger Van Man is a new pilot/proof of concept short for a comedy-drama television series starring Nick Helm, Mark Silcox, Janice Connoley and Alex Horne. The story follows a down-on-his-luck family man who makes the impulsive decision to buy a burger van with his life savings in an attempt to open a new chapter in his life, but inadvertently closes another when it ends his marriage. Carl, recently divorced and forced to move back home with his mum, suffers another emotional blow when his Burger Van is stolen from his driveway.

Written & Directed by Alex Singh, Calum Rhys & Dan Trueman, and funded by their amazing Kickstarter backers, we worked with the team back in February this year, facilitating filming in a road layby in Hanbury. It’s so great to see the short film – check it out below!


