Holy Land Productions Group are seeking investment for their feature length drama, Ladybird. Ladybird is the story of 14-year-old schoolgirl Milly who lives with her mother Tara, who is a recovering alcoholic and married to Milly’s dead father’s brother John. John is a child abuser. The story weaves through a series of events, involving her teacher, an undercover officer who is observing one of John’s criminal associates, and takes us through the intervention that eventually allows Milly to escape the abusive world she lives in. Ladybird addresses the ever-concerning issues of RASSO, VAWG, domestic abuse, and infanticide.
Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
C Berry & AJ Hirst
No. of Crew:
No. of Cast:
Investment Required:
Approx. £4,000
Investment details
Initial investment and present financing: We are paying for actors, locations, accommodation, food, equipment, prop, costume, licenses & insurance. Crew of 3 are working for free. Seeking investment for: Actors’ payment, location hire costs, feeding costs, and insurance.
Other information
Crew of 3 are working for free, with a promise of 1% return of any net sales. actors are working for minimal payment and promise of 1% return of net.