Stunning Walled Gardens

ID: 10285
County: Worcestershire

All enquiries must be handled through the Worcestershire Film Office

This beautiful 5 acre historic walled garden is one of the UK’s most exquisite Georgian walled gardens and among the largest in Europe, and traces its origins back to the 16th century. Over the centuries, the gardens sadly fell into disrepair, hidden beneath overgrown brambles and neglected buildings. However, in 2000, a determined husband-and-wife team took on the formidable challenge of restoring this historic site. Despite advice to the contrary, the couple were captivated by the mystery and potential of the gardens, envisioning a grand revival of its former glory. After 24 years of painstaking restoration, they have lovingly rejuvenated the gardens, unveiling their historic charm for the public to enjoy. The gardens continue to mature, promising to reveal more hidden secrets as time goes on.

Features include a kiln house, historic vinery, pineapple house, tomato house, fig house, gallery, pottery, marquee, restored dipping pond, mosaic garden, Mediterranean garden, working kitchen garden with produce, plants and flowers growing, new water feature being built, accessible paths throughout, bothy, fireplace, and restored walls.

This is a stunning location for filming and photography.

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